Full address (street, number, floor)
Post code
Contact email
[radio radio-situaciones use_label_element default:1 "University student "Over 65" "Neither of these circumstances apply to me"]
IndividualFamily (couple with children all under 18)Special family (couple with children aged between 18 and 25)
Swimming poolGymCombination
ID Card No.
Date of birth
I consent to receiving promotional material from the FOUNDATION regarding its activities, products and/or services. I have read and accept the current fees I have read and accept the rules for the use of the Rialta Sports Complex I have read and accept the Legal Notice and the Privacy Policy. I have read and accept that, once my application has been processed, I am required to provide the following documents: - Photocopy of the account holder’s ID Card. - 1 passport size photograph of each person included in the membership. - Photocopy of the official family record book or cohabitation certificate (only in the case of family membership). - University student’s card (in those cases where the account holder is a university student and exempt from the registration fee). - Completed direct debit form (download here)